Group Photo of Participants
One Health for Humans, Environment, Animals and Livelihood (OH4HEAL) attended Participatory Rangeland Management (PRM) Field Guide validation workshop organized by IGAD (October 27-28, 2023) in Nairobi. The workshop brought together stakeholders engaged in rangeland management from both national and sub-national levels (Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Somalia and Uganda), representatives of CSOs and regional entities including IGAD. The forum will help to share the PRM experience of East African countries in order to further enrich the draft field guide as well as wider dissemination of the field guide. HEAL presented its PRM experience in Borana with a focus on:
- The livestock production context
- OH4HEAL architecture
- PRM processes pursued
- PRM plans
- Key outputs achieved
- Impact of the PRM process
- Key lessons and recommendations
Contributed by:
Metalign Ayehu
HEAL Regional Manager and MEAL Lead