Photo: Workshop Participants
HEAL is attending three days (July 10 – 12, 2023) workshop on “Using Innovative Solutions for Improving Access to Health Care Services and Enhanced Nutrition Information in Cross-Border Pastoral Communities” organized by WHO and the Ministry of Health, Ethiopia. The workshop, among other things is expected to:
- Review the digital solution (DHIS Nutrition Tracker) before the field test ;
- Validate the rapid assessment and anthropological study findings and recommendations for actions ;
- Agree on implementation roadmap including listing of priority facilities and scaling up facilities, and
- Establish a joint project technical advisory team.
This is the second inter-country and partners’ coordination meeting organized by WHO-AICS Pastoral project, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The project aims to improve access to nutrition and essential health care services among the pastoral communities in the border areas of Ethiopia (Filtu and Dollo Ado districts) and Somalia (Dollow District). The project will also work on the development of digital solutions and production of learning documents on use of digital solutions for improving access and bringing actors across borders for enhanced universal health coverage through informed decision making. The project provides an opportunity to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, namely SDGs 2, 3, and 17, by reaching the unreachable and hardto-reach areas to ensure leaving no one behind in the attainment of Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
Contributed by:
Metalign Ayehu
HEAL Regional MEAL Lead