News & Stories
The First Ever Rabies Intervention in Borana
Rabies, a zoonotic disease that was not given the desired attention, has been a One Health issue of high concern in Borana zone, Ethiopia. Recognizing the importance and urgency of the issue, VSF-Suisse in collaboration with VSF-Germany and Polio Core Group of...
HEAL Co-Facilitated AMR Awareness Week
On the occasion of Antimicrobial Awareness Week, the HEAL field team, in conjunction with the County Government of Isiolo, conducted a series of healthcare outreach programs aimed at raising awareness about Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR). Accordingly, the team has...
HEAL Shared its PRM Experience on IGAD Conference
Group Photo of Participants One Health for Humans, Environment, Animals and Livelihood (OH4HEAL) attended Participatory Rangeland Management (PRM) Field Guide validation workshop organized by IGAD (October 27-28, 2023) in Nairobi. The workshop brought together...
HEAL Shared its OH Experience on EVA Conference
Group Photo of EVA 36th Annual Conference Participants The Regional HEAL team shared its OH experience on the 36th Annual Conference of the Ethiopian Veterinary Association (EVA), held in Addis Ababa in the conference hall of the African Union on the 30th and 31st of...
Bokola One Health Unit (OHU) with Promising Level of Ownership and Commitment to Sustain OH Service
The visiting SDC team on a discussion with Bokola MSIP members Like many pastoral areas, Bokola Kebele, was suffering from inadequate health services. Its animal health facility was in a very poor condition that it was abandoned by its staff and had been used for a...