The First Ever Rabies Intervention in Borana

The First Ever Rabies Intervention in Borana

Rabies, a zoonotic disease that was not given the desired attention, has been a One Health issue of high concern in Borana zone, Ethiopia. Recognizing the importance and urgency of the issue, VSF-Suisse in collaboration with VSF-Germany and Polio Core Group of...
HEAL Shared its Experience to LLRP

HEAL Shared its Experience to LLRP

Group Photo: Partial view of the experience sharing event Up on the invitation of the World Bank team, the HEAL team shared its experience to the Lowland Resilience Program (LLRP) of the Government of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa on July 25, 2023. The experiences shared...
HEAL Shared its Experience to WHO

HEAL Shared its Experience to WHO

Group Photo: WHO Representative and VSF-Suisse Teams The Regional and Ethiopia HEAL teams shared their experience to the World Health Organization (WHO) in Addis Ababa on July 13, 2023. The experiences shared among other things include: Horn of Africa situation: a...