VSF-Suisse shared its best practice of Hydroponic Fodder Production to World Food Program (WFP) on the 2nd of May 2023. The presentation addressed the following core points:
- A Glimpse at VSF-Suisse (with a focus on vision, mission, strategic outcomes, flagship activities and operational areas)
- Overview of One Health for Humans, Environment, Animals and Livelihood (OH4HEAL)
- Concept and advantages of Hydroponics
- Inputs and processes of Hydroponic fodder production
- Major benefits of Hydroponic fodder from the perspective of the pastoral and agro-pastoral communities
- Rationale for scaling-up of the technology
- Enabling conditions for scaling-up the technology, and
- Lessons learnt and recommendations.
Mr. Ebrahim Ebrahim, National Programme Policy Officer | Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Building | WFP appreciated VSF-Suisse for sharing its best practice and re-affirmed to work closely with the Ethiopia Country Office for potential partnership on Hydroponic fodder production.
Contributed by:

Metalign Ayehu
HEAL Regional MEAL Lead