Photo: OH Stakeholders Workshop Participants

HEAL attended One Health (OH) stakeholders workshop organized by the EU-funded Capacitating One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (COHESA). The workshop, among other things was used to:

  • Validate the findings and recommendations from COHESA net mapping and baseline study on One Health in Ethiopia
  • Draw suggested actions and roles to address recommended actions
  • Advocate for One Health governance and proactive engagement of the education sector
  • Establish One Health Think Tank
  • Provide platform for networking among like-minded institutions and individuals. 

The two days workshop (March 15 – 16, 2023) was attended by representatives of the key public sectors (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority), WHO, CDC, FAO, NGOs, academic and research institutions and the media.

Contributed by:

Metalign Ayehu

HEAL Regional MEAL Lead