Photo: VSF-Suisse Ethiopia Country Office
Sara Imbach, the Program Manager for Ethiopia and South Sudan arrived to Addis Ababa on February 15, 2023 for a monitoring visit to VSF-Suisse interventions in pastoral and agro-pastoral areas of Ethiopia. The country office welcomed Ms. Sara and facilitated the first meeting with the participation of all staff. Presentations were delivered including HEAL, the flagship program with emphasis on:
- Peculiar features
- So far accomplishments
- Results of client satisfaction surveys
- Successes stories and promising practices
- Challenges encountered, and
- Way forward.
The program manager will travel to the program sites for a week to monitor program activities at field level, identify what is going on very well and what needs to be improved. Results of the monitoring visit will be used as input to inform programming and decision making.
Contributed by:
Metalign Ayehu,
HEAL Regional MEAL Lead