Photo: Group photo of visiting SDC team and HEAL staff
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) team arrives to Yabello town, the capital of Borana Zone, Oromia Regional State on January 24, 2022 for a monitoring visit to HEAL sites in Ethiopia.
The visiting team is composed of 6 members:
- Ms. Martina Durrer, Regional Head of International Cooperation, Horn of Africa
- Ms. Corrine Corradi, Regional Health Advisor
- Ms. Catherine Wangechi, Programme officer | Health | Kenya
- Dr. Renate Lefroy, Deputy Head of International Cooperation | Addis Ababa
- Mr. Solomon Seyoum, Finance Officer | Addis Ababa
- Lensse Gobu, Programme Officer | Health | Addis Ababa
The Regional HEAL team led by Temesgen Abebe (Regional HEAL Manager) and Metalign Ayehu (HEAL Regional MEAL Lead) welcomed the visiting team in Yabello and organized the first meeting at its Borana Field Office. Presentations were delivered to the team including:
- HEAL Theory of Change (ToC)
- Peculiar features of HEAL
- So far accomplishments
- Results of client satisfaction surveys
- A glimpse at success stories
- Challenges and lessons
- Way Forward
The team scheduled to visit field level program activities in Arda Ola and Gulale Kebeles of Moyale district, Somali Regional State on day 2 and Mormora and Bokala Kebeles of Borana Zone, Oromia Regional State on day 3. Furthermore, de-briefing sessions and discussions on the way forward will be held with key government partners and officials on day 4.
Contributed by:
Metalign Ayehu,
HEAL Regional MEAL Lead
This was an inspiring visit. The SDC team acknowledges those extraordinary achievements in the field.